Located in Mexico City, owned by the Auditoría Superior de la Federación (Supreme Audit Institution, Federal Gvmnt, legislative branch). Built in an area known as the “Pedregal”, which was covered by lava from the Xitle volcano around 1600 years ago. Local landscape is formed mainly by volcanic rock and a great diversity of species of flora and fauna of great environmental value. Site adjoins with an ecological reserve.

The project is formed of several landscape intervention axes: ecological revaluation and environmental regeneration, recovery of the testimonial function of landscape, creation of a new working culture, the integration and reuse of the elements and materials of the site and a more respectful relationship with the environment and the urban landscape. It contributes to improving natural processes to rebuild a relationship with native flora and fauna of this natural setting, ensuring the preservation of local biodiversity. Special care was taken to protect the families of Tlacuaches that inhabited the site. (Didelphys marsupialis, native endangered species). Special attention was placed to the regeneration and conservation of soils, natural topography, runoff protection, avoidance of erosive processes, as well as waterlogging or flooding, allowing the infiltration of water, collecting, storing and taking advantage of rainwater, highlight the temporality of the ecosystem, removing of the external introduced vegetation (before the project) and encouraging of the exploration of the original environment. One of the greatest interests of the project was to use as much as possible of the material extracted from the excavation (volcanic rock) and reuse it as a constructive element, whether in slabs, crushed, complete specimens or, as a permanent footprint produced by nature itself. The experience of the masons in this type of handmade work was very valuable and significant to generate this natural and cultural mark in the created landscape. At the social level, we sought to promote universal accessibility and interaction, as well as activities to encourage healthy behaviors and quality working relationships: meeting and coexistence opportunities were generated through the creation of living areas, squares and gardens, as well as, a management of visuals and observation points to contemplate nature.

A system of open spaces was proposed, consisting of a public linear walkway that serves as an urban transition, a plaza for access and connection between buildings to provide meeting and interaction opportunities, a forum with terraces for events, a conservation area for the natural ecosystem, paths to observe native flora and fauna, jogging track, cross-country trail for sports activities, open multipurpose plazas and open-air recreational stays, a walkway with seating areas and plazas for holding cultural events, workshops and conferences, environmental recovery areas, garden for rest and contemplation, gardens in some roofs of the building and seven gardens with various functions within it.

Around 3000 workers and visitors access the complex daily, the main access is part of a large esplanade that connects the external parking lot with the building. Native species were used for reforestation. Following the conceptual criterion of allowing nature to carry out its environmental recovery work and keeping the ecosystem alive, as if it were the original skin of the project, natural runoffs were used to generate bodies of water that feed what we call rain gardens, forming with it, a system of collection and management of rainwater whose auction is the great body of water that is located in the zone of flood and natural infiltration. For the rain gardens, native species were chosen based on light, humidity, soil and temporality requirements. The water transported through the existing artificial canals feeds the proposed gardens; and these, in turn, improve the water balance of the land, function as zones of soil protection and stabilization, rainwater collection and infiltration areas, rehabilitation areas of the original ecosystem, moisture compensation and temperature regulation, areas that through natural processes, they reconstruct relations with the environment and give rise to a new habitat that stabilizes or even improves the landscape value of this natural scenario. A green cover was also designed with layers of low plant strata, thus offering a permeable surface that protects against solar radiation, absorbs CO2, reduces drainage problems and functions as an acoustic barrier; in the same way it offers a relaxing unitary image and generates new possibilities of use and of relation with closed spaces.

With all the aforementioned, the design proposal for the development of this project from the Landscape Architecture tries to strengthen the natural characteristics and values of the site, to generate a landscape that promotes all the benefits of nature without invading negatively the original ecosystem.


Project location: Carretera Picacho Ajusco #167 Ampliación Fuentes del Pedregal, CP 14240, Tlalpan Mexico City, Mexico.
Design year: 2014-2015
Year Built: 2016-2018
Role of the entrant in the project: Workshop manager and site supervisor for landscape project, and Landscape Project Manager.
Project website: http://www.asf.gob.mx/edificiosede/principal.html
Other designers involved in the design of landscape:
Arq. Alejandro Espinosa Pruneda
Coordination of linkage and special projects, Faculty of Architecture, National Autonomous University of Mexico, UNAM
M. en Arq. Juan José Astorga Ruíz del Hoyo
Project manager.
M. en Urb. Fabiola del Carmen Pastor Gómez
Landscape project manager
Arq. Psj. Laura Zazhil Rendón Zárate
Workshop manager and site supervisor for landscape project
Arq. Psj. Claudia Donají Jiménez Rodríguez
Landscape workshop manager
Arq. Psj. Beatríz Cortés Navarro
Arq. Psj. Pamela Flores Vélez
Arq. Psj. Eric Carrillo Fajardo
Arq. Psj. Armando Maravilla Ramírez
Arq. Psj. Jimena Robles Pardo
Arq. Psj. Gisela Varela Chavarría
Alexa Pacheco Saucedo
Nancy Obscura Lara

Videos and 360º Views:
Video 1 (DRONE VIEW): https://youtu.be/l7LeYoygaWU
Video 2 (3D VIEW): https://youtu.be/u9ET0F0W9PU
360º View 1: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-25-76305
360º View 2: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-24-76303
360º View 3: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-21-76296
360º View 4: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-22-76298
360º View 5: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-23-76301
360º View 6: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-6-76261
360º View 7: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-9-76268
360º View 8: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-12-76273
360º View 9: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-14-76284
360º View 10: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-17-76290
360º View 11: https://veer.tv/photos/auditor%C3%ADa-superior-de-la-federaci%C3%B3n-20-76295


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