DNV Gødstrup Psychiatric Care Cluster by

2023 Other / Denmark / Built in 2021 /

The Psychiatry department in Central Jutland was consolidated into a single unit in connection with the construction of the new super hospital in Herning. The work on the new psychiatric hospital began with a competition, which was won by the team consisting of VEGA, AART, Nerd, and former Midtconsult in 2014. The concept was to scale down the hospital’s large scale into smaller local clusters. This approach allowed each unit to have two courtyard spaces, providing a great deal of flexibility in the use of the courtyards, to accommodate the individual needs of both active, introverted, and vulnerable patients.

The 13 different courtyards are designed based on two main principles: the active courtyards and the sensory-stimulating courtyards. The design and landscaping of the active courtyards, located in the most shaded areas, are robust and suitable for physical activities. The design of the sensory-stimulating courtyards, located in the most open and well-lit areas, is focused on calm and more sedentary activities. The planting in these courtyards emphasizes strong scents and vibrant colors, and there are furniture pieces that allow for rocking and soothing movements.

Psychiatry requires a strong focus on safety, and all the courtyards are specially designed and constructed to ensure increased security for both patients and staff.

Thanks to a grant from a foundation, the exterior landscape for the psychiatric section was completed in the fall of 2021, incorporating screening vegetation and activity and recreation areas suitable for patients and their families. Over the next 15 years, the psychiatric landscape will continue to grow and provide the originally planned green framework for the buildings.

Architecture offices involved in the design: AART, Nordic, SMAK

Location: Hospitalsparken 15, 7400 Herning, Denmark

Design year: 2014-2018

Year Completed: 2021


LILA 2024 Sponsor
