Architect since 1981 by the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Barcelona, ETSAB. That same year he associated with Enric Batlle and Durany forming the company BATLLE I ROIG ARCHITECTURE. Since then until today he has developed multiple projects in the fields of landscape building and planning.

His business work at the helm of Batlleiroig Arquitectura has recently been recognized with the highest recognition in Spain towards an architecture firm: the Superior Council of the Architects’ Associations of Spain- CSCAE 2017 MEDAL”for being a great architecture studio, consolidated as referent of quality and professional rigor, and organized according to a business and solvent operation, with a collaborative, global philosophy, directed towards the control of the process and the avant-garde in the use of new technologies, always without forgetting the values of our discipline ” according to the Jury CSCAE2017.

He has taught Architectural Projects at the Higher Technical School of Architecture in Barcelona since 1984, as well as the Master’s in Landscape Architecture at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia and the Higher School of Agriculture in Barcelona. He has been a visiting professor at, among others, the Academie van Boukunst, Rotterdam; the Delft University of Technology; ILAUD (International Laboratory of Architecture and Urban Design), Urbino; the IUAV Istituto Universitario di Architettura de Venezia; the Facoltà di Architettura, Genoa; ITU, in the Faculty of Architecture of Istanbul; at Washington University, St. Louis; University of Illinois, Chicago; in the École Supérieure du Paysage de Versailles; to Ringyorcesung Technishe Universität, Munich; to the University of Stuttgart, Germany; and in the Master of Landscape of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Navarra, Pamplona. He has also been director of the BIArch (Barcelona Institute of Architecture).

His work as a jury is very remarkable, both in national and international competitions – European, Spanish Architecture Biennale, European Landscape Biennial, World Architecture Festival 2.018 with Landscape of the Year – and as a consulting member – he has been Vocal of Demarcation culture from Barcelona of the Official College of Architects of Catalonia, Consultant of the Mixed collection of the Gustavo Gili Publishing House and member of the Architecture Commission of the Barcelona City Council.

In the editorial field, it is worth mentioning the publication of the book New Bridges, published by GG, and that of numerous opinion articles published in specialized journals, among which El Croquis, Arquitectura Viva, Topos, Quaderns or Domus stand out.


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