Karens Minde Axis is an urban space project that combines rainwater retention with new urban spaces in solving challenges with both climate, biodiversity, and social inequality. During cloudbursts water is transported through 600 meters through a park on a yellow tile ”riverbed” functioning as pathway and water-carrying element. The water runs over a Trickle Meadow where it is purified before it is discharged to the new rainwater basin. Just months after completion, the project proved up to the task of handling the extreme rainfall events that caused 2023 to be a precipitation record-breaking year.

The Copenhagen South Harbour – one of the earliest social housing development areas in Copenhagen

The South Harbour (Sydhavn) is originally a worker’s housing district characterized by yellow brick apartment blocks from the early 1900s, representing some of the earliest social housing developments. The area has a history of a low-income and low average life expectancy. Decades of housing speculation has led to expensive district developments causing increased social inequality and division between the Old and the New South Harbour.

Renewal and climate protection

The Municipality of Copenhagen initiated a renewal of the South Harbour where climate protection and improved architectural quality goes hand in hand to improve quality of life and the land value. Karens Minde Axis is one of the complex renewal projects where large quantities of rainwater discharge through the area. Rainwater used to get backed up in the densely populated, low-lying urban area, damaging both the natural and built environments.

A holistic approach to solving climate, biodiversity and social challenges

Karens Minde Axis combines rainwater retention with new green and urban spaces, in order to initiate a positive and respectful development of a neglected district. The Municipality of Copenhagen and the utility company HOFOR solve both the management of 15,000 m3 rainwater while providing a well-functioning recreational space. This reflects a holistic approach where the local identity and natural environment are essential factors in solving both climate, biodiversity, and social challenges.

A yellow tile riverbed

A fundamental design principle is the “riverbed” – a yellow tile pathway reflecting the yellow brick buildings and many local brickworks of the area. The tile floor becomes a unifying element moving through the park, meandering in and out between the large trees, reaching from the north to the new water reservoir to the south. This structure provides both water management and pathway, connecting the movement of people and water on a shared surface leading people as well as transporting surface water and roof run-off water through the park. Water inlets shaped like small, elevated openings in the tiled terrain lead rainwater into the riverbed. The pathway runs below a new circular bridge and ends next to The Dance Pavilion in a series of smaller pools in a new area called The Trickle Meadow. Here, the water is purified through natural processes before it is discharged to the new rainwater retention basin that rounds off the Karens Minde Axis.

The Circle Bridge

A circular wooden construction, The Circle Bridge, provides an elevated center, reaching across the water course, creating a pathway above the water. The bridge acts both a walkway and informal seating to allow for spontaneous meetings and it is designed with a continuous raised wooden seat.

Increased biodiversity

Designed in partnership with nature, utilizing natural processes in handling extreme rain volumes, the project respects and improves existing biotopes. The new rainwater basin contributes to the biodiversity and has significantly increased fauna and species variation – e.g. ducks and waders have already come to the area. The drainage structures are designed to be used for activities and play in dry weather and the basin is surrounded by a brink with trees, grasses and boulders that also contribute to biodiversity. Tree trunks are used as dead wood in the facility, and contribute, together with the rainwater basin, 70 newly planted trees and supplementary shrub and bulb plantings, to increasing biodiversity.

Sense of ownership and project success

Through early involvement processes, a major goal has been to foster a sense of ownership and to reflect the diversity and grassroots spirit characterizing the collective identity of the area. Continuous citizens’ involvement has influenced design, activities, and choice of materials. Now, Karens Minde Axis is a local meeting space for events and informal gatherings. Citizens have embraced the space and report great satisfaction with the area. As a result, the social narrative of the district has improved remarkably.

Additional value

Besides increased biodiversity, additional value includes nature conservation, strengthened social space and improved sense of equality, as well as increased accessibility and safety.

Architecture offices involved in the design:
Schønherr is the only architecture office involved in the design of project.

There is no exact address because it’s a 600 meters’ stretch. The roads are: Sjælør Boulevard & Wagnersvej in Copenhagen Sydhavn (South Harbour) (registres/ cadastre no. 289, 496, 5a and part of cadastre no. 4, and road registry 7000c) zip code: 2450 Copenhagen SV.
The address of the Culture House in the park (in the middle of Karens Minde Axis) is Karens Minde Culture House, Wagnersvej 19, 2450 København SV.

Location: Copenhagen, Sydhavn (South Harbour)

Design year: 2019 – 2021

Year Completed: 2023


LILA 2024 Sponsor
