“Harmonizing the simplicity of nature, bringing an alternative environment that is unpretentious, local natural and lively.”

Condition of the site prior the construction was all-round soil slope without any tree. Therefore, to design a proper slope to prevent soil erosion was the priority.

The concept of grading was to focus on the flat land around the house, designed as functional space. And, to keep the rest as suitable slope to prevent erosion and also conform to the architecture.

Planting concept was aimed to be low maintenance by selecting local plantation that grow well in the area such as Natal Grass (Melinis repens). Others were used to create a Forestry feeling that also low maintenance were Burmese Sal, Bestard Cedar, Burma Padauk, Indian Rhododendrom, Crape Ginger, Bandicoot Berry and Vetiver Grass

Using variety of native plants, that has different moods or colors in different season, will create vary senses of space and ambience in each season for this house.

An existing barren hilltop residential plot with no tree but magnificent panoramic view towards the mountain range of Khao Yai National Park, our main landscape design concept is to create series of usable flat functional spaces around and conform with the architectural design of the house. An focus carefully on the grading and slope stability around the site to prevent erosion with gradient and natural vegetation slope stabilizer in which created an harmonious natural and unpretentious blending of added and vernacular landscape.

Design Context
• To create a privacy for the residence from the project roadway by using perimeter fence and variety of tall trees.
• To create series of open spaces around the house for both outdoor activities and promote the natural ventilation through the house.
• To create a maximize panoramic view towards the distant mountain view for each functional spaces both hardscape and lawn space at both upper level and lower level area.
• To create a private relaxation corner and us ‘Thung’ (a stool or small table in Thai culture) as main furniture which can be flexibly used as either seating or table.
• To create a gentle stepping path way connecting the upper lawn to the lower lawn area through the natural looking and colorful landscape.
• To use Natal grass together with Vetiver grass in most of the slope area for the vernacular grassland landscape and as the slope stabilizer as the root of Vetiver grass is one of the best natural grass for protect the slope erosion.

• Selection of drought tolerant and low maintenance planting species.
• General irrigation sprinkler to irrigate the lawn at the top of the properties, the excess runoff water will run down the slope as to reduce the overall irrigating area down the slope.

Existing soil condition is subject to high risk of critical erosion and landslide in the monsoon season. The proper design of less steep slope grading together with the use of mostly native grasses, perennials and shrub as slope stabilizer are

Aimed for low maintenance landscape, series of local plant that for some people considering them as weed that grow well in the area and very drought tolerant such as Natal Grass (Melinis repens) and together with the mixed of Vetiver Grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides)which is best as ground cover for slope protection were used as a main ground cover for most of the area .
Other plants to create a forestry look that also a low maintenance were Siamese Sal (Shorea obtusa Wall. ex Blume), Bestard Cedar (Melia azedarach L.), Burma Paduak (Pterocarpus macrocarpus),
With the mixed of low maintenance ornamental plan to create a colorful natural looking landscape such as tibouchina, Malabar melastome (Malabar melastome), Crape Ginger (Cheilocostus speciosus), Bandicoot Berry (Leea indica (Burm.f.) Merr.)


– Natal Grass (Melinis repens)
– Vetiver Grass (Chrysopogon zizanioides)
– Malabar melastome (Malabar melastome)
– Crape Ginger (Cheilocostus speciosus)
– Bandicoot Berry (Leea indica (Burm.f.) Merr.)
– Siamese Sal (Shorea obtusa Wall. ex Blume)
– Bestard Cedar (Melia azedarach L.)
– Burma Paduak (Pterocarpus macrocarpus)

Project category : GARDEN
Role of the entrant in the project:
Design Director: Mr. ARRAK OUIYAMAPHAN
Project landscape architects: Tara Aungsumalee / WITSARUT DITPAE
Other designers involved in the design of landscape (if any): ARCHITECTS 49 (HOUSE DESIGN) LIMITED (A49HD), ARCHITECTURAL ENGINEERING 49 LIMITED (AE49), M&E ENGINEERING 49 LIMITED (ME49)
Prime Contractor: CORDIA
Project location: Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand
Area: 4,000 sqm.
Design year: 2014
Year Built: 2016


LILA 2025 Sponsor
