Lilli Lička

Jury 2024 /

Lilli Lička is a Professor of Landscape Architecture as well as a ConsultantJury Member and Activist. She focuses urban development, outdoor spaces, and parks. 1991—2016 partner at koselička.

Lička leads the Institute of Landscape Architecture (ILA) at the University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences (BOKU), where she teaches, conducts research, publishes articles and books, and organizes events related to landscape architecture, contemporary developments in the field, and the design of outdoor spaces.

In collaboration with Ulrike Krippner and Roland Tusch, she established the LArchiv, an Austrian landscape architecture archive at the institute. She also initiated the nextland collection, a joint project between ILA and ÖGLA (Austrian Association for Landscape Planning and Landscape Architecture) focused on contemporary Austrian landscape architecture.

In 2007, LL orchestrated the ongoing lecture series L hoch x on landscape architecture, co-organized by ILA and ÖGLA in partnership with the Zumtobel Lichtforum in Vienna. Additionally, she co-edited the first monograph on contemporary Austrian landscape architecture and played a key role in conceptualizing and organizing the triennial science conference series X-LArch with the ILA team.

LL has extensive experience serving on competition juries, chairing juries, and participating in selection committees for publications, prizes, and scientific project funding. She also serves as an expert for the Austrian State Prize for Consulting and represents engineering firms of landscape architects in Vienna competitions on behalf of the Austrian Chamber of Commerce. She was actively involved in formulating competition rules for engineering services.


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