Garden / Turkey / Built in 2014 /

The Orange House Sunken Garden is a 130 square meter garden that is located along the basement floor of a private house in Ankara, Turkey. It is located under a glass bridge that leads to the entrance of the house. Due to the arid climate, the owners requested a garden that needs minimum maintenance and wanted to lean towards water-free landscape solutions for that particular location. In order to accommodate this request, a modern version of a dry rock Japanese zen garden was proposed. In the sunken garden design, the sand material of a typical zen garden is replaced with crushed and tumbled white marble stone, crushed black andesite stone and dark-red volcanic tuff. Rocky islands that would be found in zen gardens, are replaced with stainless steel pots that are graded in steps, from small to large sizes, descending like ridges of mountainous rock. The sunken garden is designed in circles, resembling the sand waves of the zen garden.

The circle shaped waves are created by using 20 cm x 1200 cm stainless steel sheets. The sheets are welded to each other to develop longer sheets for making larger circles. They are manually bent to create the shape of a curve. The sheets are partially buried in earth and the soil is compacted to maintain their stability. Each region that is defined between the stainless steel semi-circles harbours a different material, therefore making waves differ in colour. Crushed stones, volcanic tuff and ground covering plants are placed in between the semi-circles. Glory trees are then planted at the centre of every pot. The garden is framed by shear walls and creepers are planted in 50 cm distances in front of these walls in order to create a green wall. Thus developing a green background for the stepping steel pots.



Role of the entrant in the project: DESIGN AND PROJECT
Project location (State or Country): Ankara, TURKEY
Design year: 2013
Year Built: 2014


LILA 2025 Sponsor
