Revitalization of a Residential Area «House by the Lake» by

2023 Public Projects / Russia / Built in 2023 /

The Master Plan of the project «House by the Lake» focuses on developing the area along with the lake. The main idea of the project is life both in the city and in nature. The small, shallow and marshy Lake Tikhoye was much wider until the 1970s, but gradually shrank under the influence of chaotic urban development and lost its significance in the 2000s. Therefore, when developing the project, it was decided to restore the reservoir and improve the coastline, connecting the new quarter with water.

In 2019, Brusnika, together with the State Agrarian University of the Northern Trans-Urals, conducted an environmental assessment of the geographical and geobotanical state of the lake and the chemical composition of the water. For the first time, specialists identified the main environmental problems of the reservoir and made recommendations of a biological nature. Further, the Russian Ecological Society carried out a chemical and microbiological analysis of soil and water, studied the state of flora and fauna, the degree of seasonal freezing of soils, and determined the thickness of silt deposits. In the spring of 2020, ecologists from the ECOSTANDARD Group conducted final studies and clarified recommendations on biodiversity, strengthening the shores, dredging and stocking the lake with fish. The implemented complex of surveys made it possible to build a strategy for the restoration of the object.

Initially, Brusnika cleaned up the water area and the coastline from debris, dead wood and rotting plants. The shores were also cleared of invasive maple, which interfered with the growth of other plants and adversely affected the flora of the lake.

The next step was to clean the bottom of the lake from silt masses. To do this, specialists erected an artificial dam between the existing and swampy parts of the lake and, by pumping 26,000 cubic meters of water from one part to another, removed about 20,000 cubic meters of bottom sediments. In addition, the clearing of bottom sediments increased the depth of the lake from 1.4 to 2.5 meters. At the same time, the area of the water mirror remained unchanged: 2.7 thousand square meters. meters. After cleaning the bottom, specialists began to build retaining walls that will protect the coast from erosion.

In 2023, willows, elms, poplars, birches, cotoneaster, elderberry, bulrush, reed, cattail and sedge were planted in the water area, cascading down to the lake. Floating bioplateaus of wetland plants are responsible for the enrichment of water with oxygen and the maintenance of the biodiversity of the natural object. They will become a nesting place for birds and a food base for fish: carp, crucian carp and perch, which are also planned to be launched into Tikhoye.

At the third stage of lake revitalization, a park with pedestrian and bicycle paths will be created. Rain gardens will appear around the lake and on the territory of the Brusniki projects located next to it. They allow to filter storm drains and send them to the reservoir. The concept of the improvement of the reservoir involves minimizing the anthropogenic load on the lake and creating dedicated islands for recreation. According to the project, the park begins with a small square and a wooden amphitheater that descends directly to the water. It has a dedicated area with sand for children. Nearby there is also a large playground, sun loungers where you can sunbathe and relax, and picnic areas. Wooden viewing platforms with benches are planned along the coastline, and a pedestrian bridge will pass through the widest part of the reservoir. In winter, a skating rink can be organized on the lake. In order to preserve bird nesting sites and promote biodiversity, lighting in the park is kept to a minimum. The light will be directed strictly to the walkways to minimize light pollution and make walking comfortable in the evening.

Also, along the coastline, Brusnika plans to install interactive stands with information about the flora and fauna of the reservoir and organize a walking educational route for children. Upon completion of the work, Brusnika will retain patronage of the lake through seasonal monitoring. Specialists will monitor the thickness of the ice cover, control the level and quality of water during spring floods and summer drought, monitor the state of the fauna, avifauna and bioplateau, the flowering of aquatic plants and the integrity of the coastline. This will improve the efficiency of the measures taken and make the reservoir a significant recreational object and eco-island of the city with high natural biodiversity. After the restoration and natural self-purification of the reservoir, approximately in 3-5 years, amateur fishing will be possible on it.

This project is not just a story about comfortable housing, but about the preservation of the urban context through a large-scale campaign to restore and develop the ecology of the area and support the environmental initiatives of local residents.

Today, in May 2023, almost all preparatory work has been completed. In view of the climatic features of Siberia, flowering in the territory will begin in June-July 2023, and already in September 2023 the territory will not be recognized. As of May 2023, fish have already been introduced into the lake, more than 80% of plants have been planted, and other environmental initiatives have been organized.

Today, the most difficult work has been completed – changing the geometry of the territory, cleaning and reclamation of the land, planting plants and trees. And even now, when the territory has not yet blossomed, we see how much has increased here the number of people who come here to relax by the reservoir, that was managed to revive and return to people.

Name of the project: A comprehensive project for the environmental revitalization of a residential area «House by the Lake».
Other landscape architecture offices involved in the design of landscape: Brusnika Design & Buro Novascape
Architecture offices involved in the design: Architecture and facades — PETITDIDIERPRIOUX, Brusnika Design
Location: Russia, Tyumen, project is located carried out within the boundaries of Urayskaya and Muravlenko streets
Design year: 2020–2022
Year Completed: 2023-2024


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