Initially, Somoboo Garden emerges as the reconstruction of a housing development and an existing garden with many interior architectural barriers due to the steep slope on its hillside, where a part of the housing development is located. And which, at its lowest point, leads to the Ría de Cubas with views onto the same river. It is located in Cantabria, Spain.
The project begins in the year 2017 and ends in 2021. It is developed in 3 phases. As each phase is completed, the project and its result acquire more complexity and ambition as all steps and kerbs are eliminated. In addition, the area at the end of the garden recovers its original topography. This had been modified with material and soil fillers, achieving a large pond area that is now filled with a sheet of water. Part of it serves as a collector of rainwater and overflow upon recovering its lowest point, on the hillside, where this distinguished plot is located. Also, the general flow of water is found in the same area, ensuring an already associated biodiversity (animal and plant) in the summer period, as well as the required flow for water recirculation. A small dip is established in the cross section of the pond, perpendicular to the slope, which, situated on the edge, is integrated with river stones and vegetation, as are all the other limits of the water reservoir. This is the point where all excess water, resulting from the intense and abundant rainfall during the winter, is evacuated.
In the 1st phase, the pool area is elevated and is completed with a large wooden platform of 240 m2 that, in its design, is assembled with a lawn area which allows extension of the plane of the garden overlooking the Ría Cubas. It is partly limited with native vegetation and other species. During this phase, a large number of steps, between the swimming pool and the house´s porch, are eliminated, achieving a new level that, in the next phase, allows other steps to be removed, producing walks through inclined paths with adjusted and comfortable slopes.
In the 2nd phase, space geometry is resolved to develop and integrate the rest of the areas, completing meadow spaces and vegetation plantation that will accompany the slightly sloping paths where old steps and barriers are eliminated. Some existing plant species (Lagerstroemia indica, Olea europea, Hydrangea sp) are transplanted to new locations.
At the end of this phase, the idea of a small watercourse gives the possibility of something more complex. It recovers a large area of the original topography of just over 150 m2, producing a depression in the current modified topography and giving rise to the collection and maintenance of a large sheet of confined water, in which a pergola or small glazed building of 16 m2 is built with hinged sides on its east and south areas and placed over a wooden platform. This allows for the sound of the waterfall to be fully enjoyed and, also, for water recirculation. The slopes of the land towards the sheet of water are retained by concrete walls in sections that change their height and slope of coronation, ensuring a good integration by the planting of different species. Access to the covered pergola is provided by a walkway, also made of wood, between trees and vegetation above the sheet of water.
In a 3rd phase different plantations complete the project (Acer sp, Prunus sp, Cotoneaster sp, Ceanothus sp, Liriope sp, Hydrangea sp, Hedera helix, Rhododendron sp, Verbena bonariensis, Iris germanica, Geranium sanguineum,…); also the edges of the water sheet are implemented with individually placed river stones, ensuring depression at a particular point for the evacuation of torrential water when storms occur.
Architecture offices involved in the design: David Añíbarro (AP Anibarro Paisajismo)
Construction management: Ismael Ortiz Bedia y David Añíbarro
Collaborator: RiegoTek Oscar Haya, Mundo Jardín S.L
Video: Adolfo Añíbarro
Photographer: David Añíbarro
Location: Urbanización Somo-Boo, Ribamontán al Mar, Cantabria, España
Design year: 2017-2020
Year Completed: 2021
Surface of action: 1.360 m2
Cost: 285 €/m2