Urban Green Valley: Yanlord Arcadia Shanghai by

2022 Public Landscape / China / Built in 2021 /

This project has been positioned, upon entrustment, to create a public commercial district that is different from the traditional fully-enclosed community. As planned, the commercial district will connect the Jiangpu Park in the south and the riverside greenbelt in the east to create an urban valley with infinite possibilities for residents here and nearby to explore, with retreated boundary walls. The landscape design has inherited the design language that is consistent with the architectural design. On that basis, scaling and gradient changes are conducted on the landscape design to build connection between the interior and exterior, and to form a spatial layout which has the square externally and the courtyard internally, through refinement and modern interpretations of natural spaces, such as woodlands, mountain streams, and valleys, to achieve immersive commercial space experience that is both unique and natural.

Project exposition:

The project consists of the exhibition center and the water bar along the street. The architectural design itself has included a great variety of vigorous spaces, but due to the complexity of functional demands, how the landscape should integrate the staggering spaces together in accordance with all functional requirements has become the focus of this project.


Since the woodland is next to the park, this design attempts to extend the urban park to the site to form a multilayered three-dimensional urban valley. The firefighting access which previously went through the site directly is adjusted to be a curve, thus enabling the site leads up to a woodland from different angles. Two types of urban furniture are revolving around the linear square settings. The level differences have formed the visual interaction as well as an interesting correlation between the sight and the viewers. The second floor is a garden shared by district residents. On the other side of the garden is a private garden that allows residents to enjoy the close interaction with the natural world. Residents can experience the charm of seasonal plants here to alleviate their stress at city life.


The brook is a main entrance for the commercial district. The scale is purposefully narrowed down to form the alley space of the old Shanghai. We abstractly extract the natural element of “stream flowing in the valley” to design the encircling cascade water flowing device. The cascade planting of the waterfall and cantilever forms an artistic installation for the main entrance. The falling angles can satisfy appreciation demands from four directions. This can not only highlight the recognizability of the project, but also improve the artistic perception of the whole district. An art exhibition hall full of the business vigor is created on the front part of this project.


A tropical rainforest is adopted to form the view of the main flowline. The population flow is guided to the right. The stepping stones floating on the water surface of the tropical rainforest are reserved for visitors to experience going through the mountain. The mountain features small spaces.

Architecture offices involved in the design
WEIMAR Landscape

Project location: China, Shang Hai Shi, Yang Pu Qu, 昆明路1249号 邮政编码: 200082

Design year: 2019

Year Built: 2021


LILA 2025 Sponsor
