Westpol Landschaftsarchitektur GmbH was founded in 2008 by Andreas Schoenholzer.
Our scope of work includes all project related planning phases, from design through execution of open spaces in various contexts, topics and scales with an emphasis on the design of urban and public spaces like parks, squares and boulevards. Continuous examinations of phenomena found in urban spaces allow us to formulate new visions for the city of tomorrow. Thus, through the participation in architectural competitions we keep engaged in a continuous debate over the approach to the culture of ever changing assignments which is conducive to the advancement of our practice. A real strength of our company are the interdisciplinary skills of our staff. Besides landscape architects we also employ architects and urban planners and collaborate regularly with external specialists which creates synergies that respond to the complexity of our projects.
LOCATION: Winterthur, Switzerland
TYPE: Residential park
CLIENT: Private owner
A 19th century residence in a park setting is the site of a recently developed housing project. The buildings are situated such that they create a transition between park and built architecture. Openings between retaining walls guide the visitor over stairs and ramps to the main entrances. Gently modelled grasslands create smooth transitions from the gardens to the forest. Lush islands of higher grass within the lawns create an exciting setting with the forest as a backdrop.
LOCATION: Basel, Switzerland
TYPE: Residential park
CLIENT: Pensionskasse Publica
AWARDS: Betonsteinpreis Inno 2010
Differing courtyards characterize the location. While the more introverted courtyard offers intimate areas of retreat and playgrounds hidden by plantations of large shrubs, the second courtyard, opening towards the adjacent public foot path, is defined through the vastly open area. Giant potted trees are zoning the square and offer shaded seating.
LOCATION: Basel, Switzerland
TYPE: Post-industrial, campus square
CLIENT: CMS Christoph Merian Stiftung / Hochbauamt Basel
The Dreispitz-Areal is located at the periphery of Basel. Originally an industrial area it is now currently redeveloped such that the historical identity remains, while new functions are adding an alternate perspective. In the center of the new development sits the recently opened, newly designed school of designs & arts, surrounded by art galleries and museums, housed in existing buildings. Within this context of new design and reuse of existing buildings the open spaces provide a new identity to the site. The rough industrial-like atmosphere shall remain. Like a puzzle, in which not all parts are known yet, the concept grows in a step by step fashion. The spatial concept becomes part of the urban development process, responding flexibly to its evolution.
LOCATION: Zurich, Switzerland
TYPE: Urban park
CLIENT: Grün Stadt Zürich
AWARDS: Competition 1st price
Park, boulevard and promenade are collectively becoming the meeting places of the new neighborhood in Leutschenbach, Zurich. The boulevard with its blue flowering trees is a counterpart to the renatured „Riedgraben“. The contaminated wooded bullet trap of a former shooting range in the area of „Leutschenpark“ has been transformed to an oversized tree pot. The veil of trees communicates between the different areas of the park.
LOCATION: Vöcklabruck, Austria
TYPE: Expo installation
CLIENT: LGS Vöcklabruck GmbH
The existing pond has been reduced to its historical shape. A footbridge within walls, leads down to the center of the pond into a small circular space that lies slightly below the water level. The visitor has the feeling of diving into the pond. To strengthen the sense of immersion, water trickles down the wall.